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Camden Aquarium Wedding Reflection Shot


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Camden Aquarium Wedding Reflection Shot


We have been asked quite a few times in the last week how we got this Camden Aquarium Wedding Reflection Shot. So we figured we would do a short article on our thought process behind it and how we shot it.

The Thought Process​

Cocktail hour is normally in and around the shark tunnel at the Camden Aquarium. Just beyond the tunnel is a floor to ceiling glass wall (pictured above) where people stand to observe the sharks and other fish etc. I wanted to take a single image and make it look like the couple was in the tank. In order to do this I couldn’t put the couple in front of the glass while lighting them because the flash would reflect off the glass and would look awful. I would lose a lot of the detail in the fish and sharks etc. Behind me was a painting of the big shark you see and I could kind of see it in the reflection when I looked at the tank in front of me. So I decided to put the couple behind me as well. I then lit them with a speed light that had a grid on it to focus the light. This caused them to come through in the reflection as if they were standing in front of me. That’s it!

For this shot I used the following gear:

Nikon D750

Mag Mod Modifier w/ grid – We use MagMod modifiers all throughout the wedding day. They are super compact and produce great light.

Yongnuo 560III speedlight with the 560-tx controller – Use promo code “ilovelight” to save 5% off orders over $150.

The post Camden Aquarium Wedding Reflection Shot appeared first on The Art of Six Figures.
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