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Crowdfunding Corner: The Darkness Sourcebook Cover Colors Revealed


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Backer Beware: Crowdfunding projects are not guaranteed to be delivered and/or delivered when promised. We always recommend to do your research before backing.

Top Cow has unveiled three color covers for The Darkness: Sourcebook for The Darkness Complete Collection Vol. 3 Kickstarter!

Starting off with The Darkness: Sourcebook cover by Marc Silvestri and Arif Prianto. Next is a cover by Alex Konat and Sunny Gho. And, finally is a cover by Brett Booth and Thomas Mason.

Those who support certain reward tiers have the chance to get all three! The Sourcebook is a collectible 24-32 page saddle stitched book that will include a detailed timeline for the original The Darkness series, a curated cover gallery of select covers from the original run of The Darkness with commentary from The Darkness co-creator Marc Silvestri, plus an exclusive sneak peek at artwork from the new The Darkness series coming in early 2025!

The Kickstarter is set to end on Saturday, March 30th.


The post Crowdfunding Corner: The Darkness Sourcebook Cover Colors Revealed first appeared on Graphic Policy.
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