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Ed Piskor accused by multiple women of grooming and wrongdoing


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Ed Piskor is the creator behind the hit series Hip Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design and co-host of the popular Cartoonist Kayfabe. This past weekend, he was accused by multiple women for grooming and other wrongdoing. A fellow comic creator shared screenshots of conversations she and Piskor had through Instagram Stories. They’ve since been deleted. The screenshots featured conversations dated 2020 which would put the accuser at age 17 when Piskor was 38. Piskor was aware of the age as can be seen in the conversations shared.

He called her a “naughty girl” and asked if she’d be “a good partner in crime.” He specifically asked if she was a “snitch” and also sent a photo of a room offering her the ability to crash at his place. Both individuals live in Pennsylvania.

The accuser stated that this wasn’t meant as a cancellation of Piskor but instead was to serve as a warning.

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Others spoke up over the next few days telling their own stories. One stated that Piskor propositioned her for oral sex in trade for Piskor’s agent’s phone number.

Another said Piskor invited her to his home to draw her nude and in exchange introduce her to “bigger industry folks.”

We’ve included quotes and screenshots but removed the accusers names in hopes to diminish any harassment they might receive.

We reached out to Piskor for comment but have yet to hear back. He has limited his social media, deleting accounts, limiting comments on others. What is believed to be a burner account was launched defending him and attacking the accusers.

This isn’t the first issue for Piskor. A 2022 variant cover for Red Room: Trigger Warnings was criticized for mocking the Holocaust. It referenced the graphic novel Maus in its design. Piskor has also been criticized for use of racial slurs in the past. Recently, Piskor’s Hip Hop Family Tree was collected as an omnibus by Fantagraphics.

The post Ed Piskor accused by multiple women of grooming and wrongdoing first appeared on Graphic Policy.
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