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Preview: Action Comics #1064


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Action Comics #1064

(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Rafa Sandoval
In Shops: Apr 09, 2024
SRP: $4.99

HOUSE OF BRAINIAC PART ONE! BRAINIAC ATTACKS! Brainiac’s Lobo army invades Metropolis in an action-packed oversized issue! The Super family and all the heroes of Metropolis join the fight, but will they be enough to hold off Brainiac’s lethal and crazed soldiers?! Can Superman and Lex learn what Brainiac is searching for? He’s not bottling Metropolis, so what is he collecting instead?!

Action Comics #1064

The post Preview: Action Comics #1064 first appeared on Graphic Policy.
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