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Spring Clean with BigTeams


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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It’s come to that time of the year when the sun is setting later and it’s getting warmer. Then you take a look around and see the mess you’ve made since the start of the year. This signifies spring cleaning time! We admit we have a little bit of spring cleaning to do ourselves over here at BigTeams. But, we wanted to give you a helping hand. We put together a to-do list for polishing up your Schedule Star, Fan Central, and Student Central.

1. Manage Duplicates in Student Central

Have students with multiple accounts? While it might be easy to put this off, clean up your database now with our simple tool. It’s easy and will help eliminate future problems for your athletes. The biggest step is just sitting down and starting it.

2. Refresh Your Fan Central Slideshow​

Take a few moments to upload new pictures to your slideshow. This simple refresh spruces up your page and encourages visitors to return to your site. A little task that makes a stylish difference.

3. Update Permissions for Staff​

With staff turnover, it’s important to update permissions in Student Central. This ensures that correct staff members have access to the correct information. All of our products are HIPPA, FERPA, and COPPA compliant so you don’t have to stress that factor.

4. Check & Change Forms in Student Central​

Each year there are updates made to forms that you need to keep an eye out for. Check to see if any updates are needed to forms in Student Central and submit those change requests to our customer support team. We are available from 8 AM-5 PM EST, we are always here to support your needs.

5. Clean Up Facilities & Transportation Directories​

Hey, you’re doing great so far with your to-do list! Only a couple more to get through, we promise. Go to Schedule Star and make sure addresses are added for facilities and contact information for transportation. Get this out of the way now so when the time comes you have up-to-date information.

6. Reorganize Your Fan Central Site​

Your online presence is the “front door” of your athletic department. Take a few moments to ensure yours looks superb. Your fans want information that they can navigate quickly and easily. Hide pages that you’re not using, as pages without current content can be confusing. Once you do that, your website will look professional and be ready for next season!

Look at that, you’re at the end of the to-do list! Was that hard to manage? Try to keep up with these small tasks because they can build up and become big problems if you don’t keep an eye on them. We hope we made your spring cleaning experience a little easier this year. Remember we have self-help guided pages and YouTube videos to help you out. Our team is here to support you and make your BigTeams experience as flawless as possible and squeaky clean!

Need help with these housekeeping items? Click here to meet with our team for assistance with your BigTeams products.

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The post Spring Clean with BigTeams appeared first on BigTeams.
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