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The One Hand #3 Presents a Different Form of Truth


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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The One Hand #3

Detective Ari Nassar continues to hunt for the new One Hand Killer stalking Neo Novena. Left with no other clue except for the killer having a sixth figure, Ari decides to visit the previously supposed murderer he had arrested years ago. With the murders having no signs of stopping, he hopes to pull the truth from Odell Watts, Ram V, and Laurence Campbell’s The One Hand #3, which forces Ari to realize that he has been looking too small and needs to start seeing the bigger picture.

Ram and Laurence continue the intense, methodical, and slow-burn narrative following Ari’s investigation into the new series of gruesome murders while discovering the truth. The notion of the truth lies in the center of Ari as he interprets these strange occurrences to find the connective tissue between them. Granted, as reality bends, more and more impossible horrific events occur more frequently. However, he still holds onto his instincts and institutions to ground himself from the encroaching madness. But, his mindset closes his eyes to the truth or what he believes to be true since it does not exist in reality. He cannot see the whole puzzle, only the bits and pieces on the micro-level before him. The truth of the One Hand Killer cannot be explained in the physical evidence but on a more abstract and unexplained level.

I also enjoy the issue’s use of cosmic horror for the narrative and themes. The evils Ari faces are not limited to human forces but unexplainable. During interrogation, Odell tells Ari, “You’re in alien territory now. You have to stop chasing what is in front of you and look in a different way.” The little details are meaningless in the overarching narrative of the truth. Following this encounter, Ari can only watch as multiple prisoners shank a willing Odell. Trying to understand madness through a rational mind is ultimately pointless due to existing in different worlds. But are these actions caused entirely by man or something else? The notion of the truth largely depends on the individual’s perception of reality and what they perceive to be true. Instead, Ari must learn to view a different form of the truth to start picking up clues about the murders and the killer’s identity.

Laurence’s art provides that gritty and noir aesthetic, which provides a necessary contrast when he depicts the more unnerving and unexplained horror. His evocative layouts in the prison attack sequence, paired with a shifting limited color palette by Lee Loughridge, perfectly capture Ari’s emotions of helplines and terror, where he can only watch the event occur. Aditya Bidikar’s lettering drives home that pulpy atmosphere through the depiction of dialogue.

As Ari and the One Hand Killer slowly approach each other’s orbit, the mystery becomes more unexplainable when investigated with traditional logic and facts. The cage that Ari built to protect himself must be opened to examine the resurgence of murders. He is investigating unknown waters and hopes not to drown because of the forces he cannot comprehend.

Story: Ram V Art : Laurence Campbell
Color: Lee Loughridge
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Story: 8.7 Art: 8.7 Overall: 8.7 Recommendation: Read

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle

The post The One Hand #3 Presents a Different Form of Truth first appeared on Graphic Policy.
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